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Commitment Created Message

The "CommitmentCreated" message is sent from the Global Ministry Center (GMC) to the Global Partner (GP).

This message is a response to the "CreateCommitment" message sent by the GP. This message informs the GP of success or failure of the "CreateCommitment" message. Note that this is an asynchronous process. A "CommitmentCreated" message will eventually be generated by the GMC and sent to the GP in response to each "CreateCommitment" message they have previously sent. This response message can be within just a few minutes or even several hours of the previously sent corresponding "CreateCommitment" message.

Sample Message
Error Messages

Sample Message

SOAP OnRamps and OffRamps exist to provide delivery of this EsbEnvelope. Therefore, the EsbEnvelope should pass through OnRamps and OffRamps unchanged.

SOAP headers needed for making the call to the OnRamp are independent of headers inside the EsbEnvelope. The SOAP envelope and headers are not shown here.

This is an example only.

    <EsbEnvelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"




Name Description
EsbEnvelope Headers
SendersName Supplied by Cornerstone Connect during setup
SendersAppName Supplied by Cornerstone Connect during setup
SendersTrackingId Supplied by Cornerstone Connect during setup
ToAddress Supplied by Cornerstone Connect during setup
FromAddress Supplied by Cornerstone Connect during setup
MessageType http://schemas.ci.org/ci/messaging/compass/2013/02/CommitmentCreated
RequestCorrelationId Contains the RequestId of the inbound message to which this is a response.
RequestId Unique number added by the sender in order to track specific messages
EsbBody (used by Compass)
ConstituentId ConstituentId sent to the GMC Source System database in the "UpdateConstituent" message
NeedKey ChildKey
CommitmentId Contains the generated commitment identity value. Note: This is the cm_id column value in the cm table (within the Compass Application database) which is an identity value that resulted from the insert of the new commitment. It is only informational and the GP does not need to store it, since it is not ever used in subsequent web service or message calls. This value can just be ignored by the GP.
Status Status will always return either "Success" or "Failure" when the message completes. In general, the value in this parameter should always be checked to determine if the message was successful. If there was a failure, there will be explanation text in 'Messages' parameter.
Messages Returned if there is a failure condition

Error Messages

Error Message Text Error Message Description
Program for this Need is not Active The program associated with the NeedKey provided is not active
Program for this Need is not allowing new Commitments. The program associated with the NeedKey provided is not allowing new commitments
Need ({NeedKey}) is already associated with this Constituent {value}) for this ConActSyscode ({value}) The NeedKey provided is already sponsored by this ConstituentId
An active Commitment exists for Need ({value}) There is already an active commitment for the NeedKey provided
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.> Try the corresponding Create Commitment message again as it did not successfully complete when it was previously submitted.


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