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General Error Messages from Compass Party Host

The following error messages are returned from the Compass Party Host.

Error Message Text Error Message Description
Empty {name} node in message There is an empty node in the XML message that was sent
Missing {name} node in message There is a missing node in the XML message that was sent
Error: {elementName} ({ value}) is not a valid date. The date cannot contain slashes(/). The date field in this node is not a valid date – it cannot contain slashes.
Error: {elementName} ({value}) is not a valid date. The date must contain dashes(-). The date field in this node is not a valid date. The date must contain dashes.
Error: {elementName} ({value}) is not a valid date. The date field in this node is not a valid date.
Error: {elementName} ({value}) is not a valid date. Must be 2 or 4-digit year and be Month-Day-Year The date field in this node is not a valid date.
Error: ConstituentId ({constituentId}) is not an integer The ConstituentId must be numeric.
Invalid Gift Type ({giftType}) The GiftType is not valid. Valid values are: BirthdayGift, GeneralChildGift, FamilyGift, ProjectGift, FinalOrGraduationGift
Error: GiftAmount ({giftAmount}) is not a decimal The GiftAmount field must be a decimal (contain decimal places)
Invalid ConstituentActivityType found ({ConstituentActivityType}) Invalid ConstituentActivityType. Valid values are: ChildSponsorship, ChildCorrespondenceSponsorship
Malformed XML Data in Request The XML in the request is not valid XML


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