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Private IPG Child Case Study

The Child Case Study API is a RESTful API.

The service provides the case study information on a child actively enrolled in a project in the Child Development Sponsorship Program (CDSP).

CDSP connects one child with one sponsor to help that child develop into the extraordinary individual which God ordained.

Sample Request
Request Parameters
Response Parameters
Sample Successful Response
Sample Unsuccessful Response
Error Response Codes

Sample Request

This is an example only.


Request Parameters

Name Description Required Data TypeConstraints
ChildKey Code assigned by Compassion International when the child is registered in the Child Sponsorship Program. Yes String
ClientReferenceId Uniquely represents the transaction in the client's system. Optional String Max 100
api_key Your Mashery supplied key for an application running Compassion International services. Yes String  

Response Parameters

Name Description
ChildKey Code assigned by Compassion International when the child is registered in the Child Development Sponsorship Program.
ChildID System generated code.
CaseStudyDate Date the last case study was completed for the child.
CaseStudyChildKey Code assigned by Compassion International when the child is registered in the Child Development Sponsorship Program. This is normally the same as the Child Key.
ChildName Name of the child.
ChildAbbreviatedName Child name abbreviated to 30 characters.
ChildPersonalName First name or nickname that is used to address the child.
Gender Child's gender.
BirthDate Child's birth date.
OverAgeAllowed Flag indicating if the child is allowed to continue in the program beyond the maximum age.
BirthDateKnownFlag Flag indicating if child actual birth date is known.
CSPGraduateFlag Flag designating a child as a CSP graduate.
CSPEnrollDate Date this child was enrolled into Compassion's Child Survival Program.
CSPProjectkey Child Survival Program code
ChristianActivities Section containing Christian activities the child participates in.
SundaySchoolOrChurch T, F, NULL
YouthGroup T, F, NULL
BibleClass T, F, NULL
Camp T, F, NULL
VacationBibleSchool T, F, NULL
Choir T, F, NULL
OtherChristianActivities string
FamilyDuties Section containing family duties the child participates in.
WashingClothes T, F, NULL
GardeningOrFarming T, F, NULL
RunningErrands T, F, NULL
MakingBeds T, F, NULL
Cleaning T, F, NULL
AnimalCare T, F, NULL
CarriesWater T, F, NULL
ChildCare T, F, NULL
Sewing T, F, NULL
GathersFirewood T, F, NULL
TeachingOthers T, F, NULL
BuyingOrSellingInMarket T, F, NULL
KitchenHelp T, F, NULL
OtherFamilyDuties string
HobbiesandSports Section containing hobbies and sports the child participates in.
Dolls T, F, NULL
GroupGames T, F, NULL
SoccerOrFootball T, F, NULL
Bicycling T, F, NULL
PlayHouse T, F, NULL
RollingAHoop T, F, NULL
Baseball T, F, NULL
Walking T, F, NULL
Jacks T, F, NULL
Marbles T, F, NULL
Basketball T, F, NULL
Swimming T, F, NULL
HideandSeek T, F, NULL
Cars T, F, NULL
Volleyball T, F, NULL
Running T, F, NULL
Reading T, F, NULL
ArtOrDrawing T, F, NULL
PingPong T, F, NULL
JumpRope T, F, NULL
Singing T, F, NULL
ListeningToMusic T, F, NULL
Other Ball Games T, F, NULL
StoryTelling T, F, NULL
MusicalInstruments string
OtherHobbiesandSports string
Health Section containing health information of the child.
Epilepsy T, F, NULL
Asthma T, F, NULL
Polio T, F, NULL
DevelopmentallyDisabled T, F, NULL
OtherHealthConditions string
Spine string
LeftFoot string
RightFoot string
LeftHand string
RightHand string
LeftLeg string
RightLeg string
LeftArm string
RightArm string
Speech string
HearingLeftEar string
HearingRightEar string
SightLeftEye string
SightRightEye string
RegularMedicalTreatment T, F, NULL
RegularMedication T, F, NULL
Schooling Section containing schooling information of the child.
ChildAttendingSchool T, F, NULL
ReasonNotAttending string
PreSchoolLevel string
KindergartenLevel string
PrimarySchoolLevel string
MiddleSchoolLevel string
HighSchoolLevel string
USSchoolEquivalent string
VocationalSchoolLevel string
VocationalCourseOfStudy string
ApprenticeshipLevel string
ApprenticeshipCourseOfStudy string
CollegeOrUniversityLevel string
CollegeCourseOfStudy string
OtherSchoolLevel string
OtherCourseOfStudy string
SchoolPerformance string
ChildsBestSubject string
FutureHighSchoolDate string
FutureHighSchoolCourseStudy string
FutureUniversityDate string
FutureUniversityCourseOfStudy string
FutureBibleSchoolDate string
FutureBibleSchoolCourseOfStudy string
FutureVocationalDate string
FutureVocationalCourseOfStudy string
FutureOtherSchoolDescription string
FutureOtherSchoolDate string
FutureOtherCourseStudy string
PlannedCompletionDate Date the child is expected to complete the Ministry Program.
Guardians Section describing the child's guardians.
FatherIsGuardian T, F, NULL
BrotherIsGuardian T, F, NULL
StepfatherIsGuardian T, F, NULL
FriendsAreGuardians T, F, NULL
MotherIsGuardian T, F, NULL
SisterIsGuardian T, F, NULL
StepmotherIsGuardian T, F, NULL
InstitutionalWorkerIsGuardian T, F, NULL
UncleIsGuardian T, F, NULL
GrandfatherIsGuardian T, F, NULL
GodfatherIsGuardian T, F, NULL
FosterParentsAreGuardians T, F, NULL
AuntIsGuardian T, F, NULL
GrandmotherIsGuardian T, F, NULL
GodmotherIsGuardian T, F, NULL
OtherRelativesAreGuardians T, F, NULL
NaturalParents Section describing the child's natural parents.
NaturalParentsTogether T, F, NULL
MaritalStatusOfParents Describes marital status of parents
FatherAlive T, F, NULL
FatherLivingWithChild T, F, NULL
FatherSupportingChild T, F, NULL
MotherAlive T, F, NULL
MotherLivingWithChild T, F, NULL
MotherSupportingChild T, F, NULL
FatherHandicapped T, F, NULL
FathersHandicap Describes father's handicap
MotherHandicapped T, F, NULL
MothersHandicap Describes mother's handicap
FatherChronicallyIll T, F, NULL
FathersChronicIllness Describes father's illness
MotherChronicallyIll T, F, NULL
MothersChronicIllness Describes mother's illness
FatherMentallyIll T, F, NULL
Mother Mentally Ill T, F, NULL
FatherInPrison T, F, NULL
MotherInPrison T, F, NULL
Employment Section describing parents or guardians employment.
FatherOrMaleGuardianIsEmployed T, F, NULL
FatherOrMaleGuardianIsAtTimesEmployed T, F, NULL
FatherOrMaleGuardia IsUnemployed T, F, NULL
NoFatherOrMaleGuardian T, F, NULL
FatherOrMaleGuardianIsAFarmer T, F, NULL
FatherOrMaleGuardianSellsInMarket T, F, NULL
FatherOrMaleGuardianIsAChurchWorker T, F, NULL
FatherOrMaleGuardianIsAProjectWorker T, F, NULL
FatherOrMaleGuardianIsATeacher T, F, NULL
FatherOrMaleGuardianIsALaborer Type of laborer
FatherOrMaleGuardianOtherEmployment Other type of employment
MotherOrFemaleGuardianIsEmployed T, F, NULL
MotherOrFemaleGuardianIsAtTimesEmployed T, F, NULL
MotherOrFemaleGuardianIsUnemployed T, F, NULL
NoMotherOrFemaleGuardian T, F, NULL
MotherOrFemaleGuardianIsAFarmer T, F, NULL
MotherOrFemaleGuardianSellsInMarket T, F, NULL
MotherOrFemaleGuardianIsAChurchWorker T, F, NULL
MotherOrFemaleGuardianIsAProjectWorker T, F, NULL
MotherOrFemaleGuardianIsATeacher T, F, NULL
MotherOrFemaleGuardianIsALaborer Type of laborer
MotherOrFemaleGuardianOtherEmployment Other type of employment
FamilySize Section describing family size the child lives in.
TotalFamilyFemalesUnder18 string
TotalFamilyMalesUnder18 string
FirstBrotherOrSister Other sibling in Compassion program
SecondBrotherOrSister Other sibling in Compassion program

Sample Successful Response

Sample Successful Response

Sample Successful Response

Sample Successful Response

Sample Successful Response

Sample Unsuccessful Response

The service operation will provide the following response when there are missing required parameters.
Exception Returned: (ResponseCode = "1", HTTP Status Code ="404")

Sample Error Response

Error Response Codes

For ResponseCode = 1, the table below indicates the HTTP error response and HTTP Error message.

HTTP Error ResponseHTTP Error Message
HTTP 400 Service Parameter Failure
HTTP 401 Not Authenticated / Authorized for Service Data
HTTP 403 Not Authorized
HTTP 403 Account Inactive
HTTP 403 Over Queries Per Second Limit
HTTP 403 Over Rate Limit
HTTP 403 Unknown Referrer
HTTP 404 Requested Resource Not Found
HTTP 408 Request Timeout
HTTP 414 Request URI Too Long
HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
HTTP 502 Bad Gateway
HTTP 503 API Maintenance / Service Unavailable
HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout


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