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REST Get Child Exit Details V1

The SOAP call, Get Child Exit Details, provides details of a child exit from a CDSP program.

The service returns JSON as default. The service will also return XML. This is controlled by the Accept parameter in the Message Header (i.e., for XML, it should be "Accept: application/xml" and for JSON, it should be "Accept: application/json").

Sample Request
Request Parameters
Response Parameters
XML Sample Successful Response
JSON Sample Successful Response
Sample Unsuccessful Responses
Error Response Codes

Sample Request

This is an example only.

IPTest: https://api2.compassion.com/iptest/ci/v1/children/{childkey}/exitdetails?ClientReferenceId=[string]&api_key=[string]

Production: https://api2.compassion.com/ci/v1/children/{childkey}/exitdetails?ClientReferenceId=[string]&api_key=[string] 

Request Parameters

Name Description Required Data Type Constraints
ChildKey Code assigned by Compassion International when the child is registered in the Child Sponsorship Program. Yes String Fixed 9
ClientReferenceId Uniquely represents the transaction in the client's system. Optional String Max 100
api_key Your Mashery supplied key for an application running Compassion International services. Yes String  

Response Parameters

Name Description Data Type Returned
ChildKey Compassion-generated unique text identifier for the child string
ChildName Full name of the child string
Gender Gender of the child string
Age Age of the child in years string
ExitDate Date on which the exit is final


DateLastAttendedProject The date when the child was last attending project activities


ReportDate Date on which the exit report is completed


ReasonForAged string
ExitFacilitator Name of the person who facilitated the exit. Note: This data is not available for Compassion Connect exits. string
CountryDirectorOrDesignate Name of the country director or designated supervisor responsible to oversee the exit string
PresentedWithGospel Indicates whether the child had been presented with the gospel. Note: This data is not available for Compassion Connect exits. The field defaults to 'false'. boolean
ProfessesFaithInJesusChrist Indicates whether the child has made a profession of faith boolean
ProfessedFaithWhileRegistered Indicates whether the child made a profession of faith while part of the Compassion program boolean
FaithDescription Narrative description of the spiritual life of the child string
CompletedPrimarySchool Indicates whether the child has completed primary school boolean
USGradeEquivalentCompleted Grade level completed by the child according to the US Grade Level system string
AreaOfStudy The primary area of study of the educational program in which the child participated string
ReceivedVocationalTraining Indicates whether the child received vocational training boolean
VocationalSkillsLearned List of skills learned if the child received vocational training string
FreeOfPovertyRelatedDisease Indicates whether the child is free from diseases normally associated with poverty. Note: This data is not available for Compassion Connect exits. The field defaults to 'false'. boolean
HealthDescription Description of the overall health of the child string
AvoidedRecentNegativeSocialBehavior Indicates whether the child has had any recent negative behavior toward others. Note: This data is not available for Compassion Connect exits. The field defaults to 'false'. boolean
SocialBehaviorDescription Description of the social development of the child. Note: This data is not available for Compassion Connect exits. string
ExitDescription Narrative description of the situation which led to exit. Note: This data is not available for Compassion Connect exits. string
StepsToPreventExitDescription Describes the steps taken to prevent the exit. Note: This data is not available for Compassion Connect exits. string
FuturePlansDescription Description of the child's future plans. string
ChildNewSituationDescription Description of child's new situation as well as how they benefited from Compassion program string
ExitReason Primary reason for exit from program string
OtherExitReason Secondary reason for exit from program string
LastChildLetterSent Indicates whether last letter has been completed and sent boolean
ReasonForRejection string

XML Sample Successful Response

<ChildExitDetail xmlns="http://schemas.ci.org/ci/common/ipg/2014/10/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

JSON Sample Successful Response


Sample Unsuccessful Responses

XML Unsuccessful Response
  <Message>Invalid Child key. Child key must be 2 alpha characters followed by 7 numeric characters.</Message>

JSON Unsuccessful Response
  "error": {
    "id": "[string]"
    "message""Invalid Child key. Child key must be 2 alpha characters followed by 7 numeric characters."

Error Response Codes

The table below indicates the HTTP error response and HTTP Error message.

HTTP Error Response HTTP Error Message
HTTP 400 Service Parameter Failure
HTTP 401 Not Authenticated / Authorized for Service Data
HTTP 403 Not Authorized
HTTP 403 Account Inactive
HTTP 403 Over Queries Per Second Limit
HTTP 403 Over Rate Limit
HTTP 403 Unknown Referrer
HTTP 404 Requested Resource Not Found
HTTP 408 Request Timeout
HTTP 414 Request URI Too Long
HTTP 500 Internal Server Error / Parameter Failure
HTTP 502 Bad Gateway
HTTP 503 API Maintenance / Service Unavailable
HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout


  1. Emanuel Cino9 years ago

    I am interested in testing this service, however I always get a 404 Resource Not Found error when I try on several departed children. Is there a list of working children that we can use to test this service or is it not yet ready to be tested ?

  2. Suzanne Swanson9 years ago

    Please use child key: PE3760148

  3. Emanuel Cino9 years ago

    Is there a list available for all possible values of the field ExitReason (primary exit reason) that we can get ? Thanks!

  4. Lucas Pickstone9 years ago


    I'm just wondering if there is a fresh child key that can be used to test this service with? I'm getting a 404 error when trying PE3760148.


  5. Unknown9 years ago

    Hi Lucas,

    IN6890248 should work for you :)
  6. Lucas Pickstone9 years ago

    Thanks Scott, that one works. :)

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