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Error Response Codes

HTTP Error Responses

The table below indicates the HTTP error response and HTTP Error message. These are from the REST Services Standard v1.2.

Status Code Reason Phrase Usage/Scenarios



Used to indicate nonspecific success; it must not be used to communicate errors in the response body.



Used to indicate successful resource creation.


No Content

Used when the response body is intentionally empty. For example, the response of PUT and DELETE.


Bad Request

Used to indicate nonspecific failure; used when no other 4xx error code is appropriate.

For errors in the 4xx category, the response body will contain a document describing the client’s error (unless the request method is HEAD). The error document will also contain an error ID which is useful for finding the logged exception/error messages on server side.



Used when there’s a problem with the client’s credentials. It indicates that client has provided the wrong credentials or none at all.


Not Found

Used when a client’s URI cannot be mapped to a resource.


Internal Server Error

Used to indicate REST API malfunction.

Error Responses


Definition and Handling



Error Id

unique identifier for error instance (GUID)


Error Timestamp

UTC timestamp when error occurred


Error Class

“BusinessException” or “SystemException”


Error Category

one of agreed-upon list of error categories from Table 5


Error Code

A code that consistently matches the error type. Suggested prefix + 4-digit code. (prefix=”SF”, “NS”, “ESB”,…)


Error Message

descriptive error message


Error Retryable

true or false – if known. This is to support automatic resubmission.


Error Module

module or subsystem in which error occurred


Error Sub Module

detailed sub module name, if applicable, in which error occurred


Error Method

method name in which error occurred


Error Logged in User

current username


Related Record Id

context related id from application


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