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REST Services Standard v1.2

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Revision History




Changes incorporated from Architect and Tech Lead meeting

Bill Spafford

2/16/2016 v1.2.1 Added Http Status 207 Partial for list-based API endpoints Bill Spafford


Revision History
REST Operations
Retrieve Resource
Create Resource
Update Resource
Delete Resource
Retrieve Header Data
Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)
URI Syntax
URI Examples
Resource Representations
XML Representation in REST
JSON Representation in REST
Adding to Existing Namespaces
HTTP Status Codes
Internal Error Response Mapping to HTTP Response Codes
HTTP Headers
Outstanding Questions


This document will define a standard for enterprise REpresentational State Transfer (REST) services and messaging at Compassion International. It is a living document and is expected to be updated and revised as more is understood about the needs for REST services throughout Compassion’s global ministry. It will define the expected structure of the REST API, including formation of URIs, use of HTTP verbs, Status Codes, header information for requests and responses, and the format of the message body.

At a high level, the model described by URIs, parameters and resource representations should reflect the canonical data model in use by Compassion International rather than being specific to source systems.


At their most basic level, REST APIs provide access to Compassion resources via Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) paths. A resource is a set of related information, such as a beneficiary object, a constituent profile, a global identifier or a collection of items. To access a resource for retrieval or perform some operation on it (i.e. update, delete), an application calls a supported HTTP verb on the resource URI.

In addition to using URIs to identify resources, this version of the REST standard will support use of HTTP headers for content negotiation. For example, the client will use the “Accept” header to indicate requested content format and both client and server can use the “Content-Type” headers to indicate actual body content format for exchanged data.

This implementation will support the following HTTP verbs:

HTTP Verb REST Operation
GET Retrieve the resource


Create new resource on the server


Update an existing resource on the server (this can be an update of a few fields or a full replacement)


Delete an existing resource on the server


Retrieve header information (most recent change date/time) for a resource without retrieving the resource itself


Communicate with the server about policies such as cross-domain policies. External facing façade (Mashery) should support options for enforcement by configuration.

REST Operations

Retrieve Resource

The client sends the HTTP GET verb and a resource URI to a server and retrieves the representation of the resource in either JSON or XML format. The default resource format will be JSON.

The client can add the HTTP Accept header with one of the following values: “application/json” or “application/xml”. The default is “application/json”.

The server will respond with the resource representation in the response message body and HTTP Status Code 200 “OK” for a successful call (see Table 1 HTTP Status Codes).

The server will use the Content-Type header to communicate the format of the resource body in the response.

The response will contain an HTTP Last-Modified header with a time stamp of the resource’s last update.

If the request is recognized as incorrect for some reason, the server will return HTTP Status Code 400 “Bad Request” and an error message in the body. This will include unsupported content types in the Accept header.

If the request requires authorization, and the caller is not authorized, the server will return HTTP Status Code 401 “Unauthorized”.

If the resource is not found the server will return HTTP Status Code 404 “Not found” and an empty body.

If the request fails due to a system failure, the server will return HTTP Status Code 500 “Internal Server Error”.

In keeping with the intention of the REST standard, the GET operation will be idempotent and will not cause changes on the server.

Create Resource

The client will send the HTTP POST verb and a “base resource URI” to the server. The client does not know the URI of the yet-to-be-created resource. Therefore, the client is sending the request to a URI which is used to create the type of resource – called here a “base resource URI”. For example, if the URI to a specific community is: https://api2.compassion.com/ci/v1/field/communities/{community-id}
the base URI for the resource is: https://api2.compassion.com/ci/v1/field/communities

The body of the request will contain the complete representation of the resource to be created.

The client will use Content-Type header to indicate whether the request body contains the resource as XML or JSON. The client will use the Accept header to indicate the desired format of any response body.

The server will respond with an empty message body and HTTP Status Code 201 “Created” for a successful call (see Table 1 HTTP Status Codes).

The response will contain a Location header which will contain the absolute URI of the newly created resource. For example: “https://api2.compassion.com/ci/v1/children/AA1234567”

In the event of an error, the server will use the Content-Type header to communicate the format of a message body in the response.

If the request is recognized as incorrect for some reason, the server will return HTTP Status Code 400 “Bad Request” and an error message in the body. This will include unsupported content types in the Accept header.

If the request requires authorization, and the caller is not authorized, the server will return HTTP Status Code 401 “Unauthorized”.

If the request fails due to a system failure, the server will return HTTP Status Code 500 “Internal Server Error”.

Update Resource

The client will send the HTTP “PUT” verb and the specific resource URI to the server. The body of the request will contain the complete representation of the resource to be updated. The client will use Content-Type header to indicate whether the request body contains the resource as XML or JSON. The client will use the Accept header to indicate the desired format of any response body.

The server will respond with an empty message body and HTTP Status Code 204 “No Content” for a successful call (see Table 1 HTTP Status Codes).

In the event of an error, the server will use the Content-Type header to communicate the format of a message body in the response.

If the request is recognized as incorrect for some reason, the server will return HTTP Status Code 400 “Bad Request” and an error message in the body.

If the request requires authorization, and the caller is not authorized, the server will return HTTP Status Code 401 “Unauthorized”.

If the request fails due to a system failure, the server will return HTTP Status Code 500 “Internal Server Error”.

Delete Resource

The client will send the HTTP “DELETE” verb and the specific resource URI to the server. The body of the request should be empty. The client will use the Accept header to indicate the desired format of any response body.

The server will respond with an empty message body and HTTP Status Code 204 “No Content” for a successful call (see Table 1 HTTP Status Codes).

In the event of an error, the server will use the Content-Type header to communicate the format of a message body in the response.

If the request is recognized as incorrect for some reason, the server will return HTTP Status Code 400 “Bad Request” and an error message in the body.

If the request requires authorization, and the caller is not authorized, the server will return HTTP Status Code 401 “Unauthorized”.

If the request fails due to a system failure, the server will return HTTP Status Code 500 “Internal Server Error”.

Retrieve Header Data

The client will send the HTTP “HEAD” verb and the specific resource URI to the server. The body of the request should be empty. The client will use the Accept header to indicate the desired format of any response body.

The server will respond with an empty message body and HTTP Status Code 200 “OK” for a successful call (see Table 1 HTTP Status Codes).

The response will contain an HTTP Last-Modified header with a time stamp of the resource’s last update.

In the event of an error, the server will use the Content-Type header to communicate the format of a message body in the response.

If the request is recognized as incorrect for some reason, the server will return HTTP Status Code 400 “Bad Request” and an error message in the body.

If the request requires authorization, and the caller is not authorized, the server will return HTTP Status Code 401 “Unauthorized”.

If the request fails due to a system failure, the server will return HTTP Status Code 500 “Internal Server Error”.

Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)

At their most basic level, REST APIs provide access to resources via URI paths. A resource is a chunk of related information, such as a user profile, a collection of updates, or a global user ID. Each resource is identified by one or more Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). To access the resource, an application calls an HTTPs operation (verb) on one of the resource's URIs. URIs will be represented as lower case by default.

URI Syntax

The URIs for REST-based ESD Enterprise SOA services shall have the following syntax:

https://api2.compassion.com/{org}/{version}/{resource path}?{query string parameters}

The elements in this syntax are as follows:

  • {org} – The root element should indicate the source organization for the resource.
    For example: “ci” represents the GMC
  • {version} – The version of the API. For all the URIs, the version number used currently is v1. This can be a single (“v1”)or multi-part number (“v1.1”). This represents versioning at the API level, not at the resource level.
  • {resource path} – A path that defines a singleton resource or a collection of resources. Every {resource path} includes a “{domain}/{subdomain}/{entityname}/{entity-id}/{qualifier}”
    • {domain} – this is a classifier for the resource. For example, if the resource is defined in Compassion International’s Global Program this may be “field” or “globalprogram” or “program”.
    • {subdomain} – this will be a modifier to indicate an area within the prior domain. For example, in the “field” domain, one may wish to identify a sub-domain for Implementing Church Partners (icp).
    • {plural entityname} – one may wish to identify resource representations of Countries, Communities, ChurchPartners or Children.
    • {entity-id} – used to represent a specific instance of an entity. Used to retrieve a specific instance (GET) of a resource, update (PUT) or delete (DELETE) an instance
    • {qualifier} – qualifiers can be added to further differentiate detailed requests. For example, when requesting detailed information about a child, a qualifier of “casestudy” may act as a suffix after the {entity-id} to further define the request.
    • A version can be used in the path at each level – this can be used to direct the call to a different endpoint as services are added or updated.
    • {query string parameters} – these will be different for every call but may include filter criteria when retrieving collections or paging information in the future.

URI Examples



Resource Representations

Resource representations will be formed from canonical resources defined by the Enterprise Information Management group. This will ensure consistency among various services created at different times and hosted by different systems. These canonical types will be self-describing as to version so that it will be possible to determine whether a given type is compatible with prior client implementations.

Resource representations in REST services may also contain information other than the resource itself, such as hyperlinks.

Resources may contain a single entity, a homogeneous collection of entities or a composite of entities of various types. Single entities and their collections may be accessed from the same base URI. Composite entities should be treated as a completely new resource.

XML Representation in REST

The XML representation of an entity will be defined by XML Schema and versioned by namespace in a way that is consistent with the current ESD Services Standards. These schemas will be checked into TFS source control in a location identified for service versioning.

Service messages which will need to include common Compassion types will reference these types from their common location. Common Compassion types will be checked into TFS source control in a location which is identified for Compassion common types.

JSON Representation in REST

The primary goal of Compassion’s REST services is to be as natural as possible for a JavaScript developer in consuming the API. A second goal, one that is important in an enterprise, is that data structures are self-describing as to version. Thirdly, resource representations are different than the entity itself, in that they may contain hyperlinks which allow for application state change such as navigation to other important resources. In keeping with those goals, the following is offered for review:

Single Entities

The JSON representation of an entity will start with braces at the root node. It will also include optional version information in an attributes node and optional hypermedia links in a links node.

For example:

A child resource

               “ChildKey”: “BD5100171”,
               “FirstName”: “Bireng”,
               “LastName”: “Mru”,
               <any other attributes or objects>,
   “attributes:” {
         “version”: “2011/05”,
         “url”: “/ci/v1/children/BD5100171/information”
   “links:” {
         “image”: “/ci/v1/children/BD5100171/image”,
         “casestudy”: “/ci/v1/children/BD5100171/casestudy”,
         “localchurchpartner”: “/ci/v1/localchurchpartners/510”,
         “country”: “/ci/v1/countries/iso/BD”

A Local Church Partner resource
               “LocalChurchPartnerId”: 510,
               “OrganizationName”: “Local Church Partner Name”,
               “StartDate”: “2006-11-01T00:00:00Z”,
               “ChurchHasElectricity”: “T”,
               <any other attributes or objects>,
   “attributes:” {
         “version”: “2011/05”,
         “url”: /ci/v1/localchurchpartners/510   
   “links:” {
         “image”: “/ci/v1/localchurchpartners/BD510/image”,
         “community”: “/ci/v1/communities/510”,
         “country”: “/ci/v1/countries/iso/BD”

Special Values

Boolean: values which values is a special problem for these representations since Compassion source data often represents these fields in different ways and may include more than two values.

Wherever possible, Boolean values will be represented as true booleans in JSON. For example {“birthdateKnown”:true}

Datetime: Date and time values should be represented in a consistent way which handles dates and times in a global enterprise. As such, the standard for datetime values will be UTC format. For example: 2006-11-01T00:00:00Z.

Business requirements and source system restrictions may result in constraints on how Boolean, Datetime and other special values are returned. In some cases data may need to be return as string and interpreted by the client.

Single Entity with Internal Arrays

If a JSON node contains a collection of objects, it should define a plural array element (this can be a plural noun or the object type with “List” or “Collection” append) as shown in the following examples:

Array Example One

               “attribute1”: “attribute data 1”,
               “items”: [
{ “itemAttr1”: “attrValue”, “itemAttr2”: “attrValue”,… “version”: “optional version”},
{ “itemAttr1”: “attrValue”, “itemAttr2”: “attrValue”,… “version”: “optional version”},
{ “itemAttr1”: “attrValue”, “itemAttr2”: “attrValue”,… “version”: “optional version”},
{ “itemAttr1”: “attrValue”, “itemAttr2”: “attrValue”,… “version”: “optional version”}
               “attribute2”: “attribute data 2”,
               “attribute3”: “attribute data 3”,
               <any other attributes or objects>,
               “attributes”: “optional version information for the object”,
               “links”: ”optional hypermedia links for the object”

Array Example Two

               “attribute”: “attribute data 1”,
               “itemList”: [
{ “itemAttr1”: “attrValue”, “itemAttr2”: “attrValue”,…},
{ “itemAttr1”: “attrValue”, “itemAttr2”: “attrValue”,…},
{ “itemAttr1”: “attrValue”, “itemAttr2”: “attrValue”,…},
{ “itemAttr1”: “attrValue”, “itemAttr2”: “attrValue”,…}
               “attribute2”: “attribute data 2”,
               “attribute3”: “attribute data 3”,
               <any other attributes or objects>,
               “attributes”: “optional version information for the object”,
               “links”: ”optional hypermedia links for the object”

Multiple Resources Returned as Array

If a JSON response contains an array of objects, these will be enclosed in brackets at the root:

A Local Church Partner array:

“LocalChurchPartnerId”: 510,
                              “OrganizationName”: “Local Church Partner Name”,
                              “StartDate”: “2006-11-01T00:00:00Z”,
                              “ChurchHasElectricity”: true,
                              <any other attributes or objects>,
   “attributes:” {
         “version”: “2011/05”,
         “url”: “/ci/v1/localchurchpartners/510”   
   “links:” {
         “image”: “/ci/v1/localchurchpartners/BD510/image”,
         “community”: “/ci/v1/communities/510”,
         “country”: “/ci/v1/countries/iso/BD”
“LocalChurchPartnerId”: 781,
                              “OrganizationName”: “Local Church Partner Name”,
                              “StartDate”: “2006-11-01T00:00:00Z”,
                              “ChurchHasElectricity”: true,
                              <any other attributes or objects>,
   “attributes:” {
         “version”: “2011/05”,
         “url”: “/ci/v1/localchurchpartners/510”   
   “links:” {
         “image”: “/ci/v1/localchurchpartners/BD510/image”,
         “community”: “/ci/v1/communities/510”,
         “country”: “/ci/v1/countries/iso/BD”
“LocalChurchPartnerId”: 9002,
                              “OrganizationName”: “Local Church Partner Name”,
                              “StartDate”: “2006-11-01T00:00:00Z”,
                              “ChurchHasElectricity”: “T”,
                              <any other attributes or objects>,
   “attributes:” {
         “version”: “2011/05”,
         “url”: “/ci/v1/localchurchpartners/510”   
   “links:” {
         “image”: “/ci/v1/localchurchpartners/BD510/image”,
         “community”: “/ci/v1/communities/510”,
         “country”: “/ci/v1/countries/iso/BD”

Adding to Existing Namespaces

We can continue to add new types to the version at <yyyy>/<mm> until there is a breaking change to one of the existing published types. Then, we need to start a new version location, and create a new release of all types. Since changing types causes trouble for clients, we want to do this on a controlled and timed basis.

Breaking changes occur when objects or attributes are removed or re-defined. Simple additions of attributes do not constitute breaking changes.

HTTP Status Codes

The following table shows how Compassion International REST services will behave with regard to HTTP Status.

Table 1 HTTP Status Codes

Status Code Reason Phrase Usage/Scenarios



Used to indicate nonspecific success; it must not be used to communicate errors in the response body.



Used to indicate successful resource creation.


No Content

Used when the response body is intentionally empty. For example, the response of PUT and DELETE.

207 Partial Used in list-oriented APIs when the request body contains an array of items to be created, updated or deleted, but only some of them were successful on the server. The response should contain an item for each request in the original array, indicating success or failure as well as identifiers which will permit tying the success or failure back to the original request item.


Bad Request

Used to indicate nonspecific failure; used when no other 4xx error code is appropriate.

For errors in the 4xx category, the response body will contain a document describing the client’s error (unless the request method is HEAD). The error document will also contain an error ID which is useful for finding the logged exception/error messages on server side.



Used when there’s a problem with the client’s credentials. It indicates that client has provided the wrong credentials or none at all.


Not Found

Used when a client’s URI cannot be mapped to a resource.


Internal Server Error

Used to indicate REST API malfunction.

Internal Error Response Mapping to HTTP Response Codes

Compassion’s internal Request/Reply services may be the service provider for REST APIs. Therefore the Business Error codes need to map back to standard HTTP Error Codes so that the HTTP Response message can be properly understood by the requesting consumer.

The table below dictates the mappings:

Business Error Name Error Code HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Message Additional Info on the Error

System Error


HTTP 500

Internal Server Error

An unexpected error has occurred while processing this request

Authentication Error


HTTP 401


Authentication has failed or credentials haven’t been supplied

Authorization Error


HTTP 401


Authentication has failed or credentials haven’t been supplied

Validation Error


HTTP 400

Bad Request

One or more parameters have failed validation. Verify the parameters according to the software specification.

Timeout Error


HTTP 500

Request Timeout

The downstream service provider did not produce a response within the time that the service was prepared to wait.

Communication Error


HTTP 500

Internal Server Error

An unexpected internal error has occurred while processing this request

[Item] Not Found Error


HTTP 404

[Item] Not Found.

A retrieval based upon [Item] selection criteria returned no results. This could be an image, a sponsor id, a sponsor email address, etc.

Service Not Available


HTTP 500

Service Not Available

Service unavailable: [Service Name]

Message Router Error


HTTP 400

Bad Request

There were errors while trying to route the message.

Message Process Error


HTTP 500

Processing Error

There were errors while trying to process the message.

Service Provider Error


HTTP 500

Bad Request

There were errors while trying to process the message.

Exception Rule Processing Error


HTTP 500

Internal Server Error

An internal error has occurred attempting to process message.

HTTP Headers

Header Values Notes


“application/json” or “application/xml”

Default: “application/json”

Used by the client to indicate the desired mime type of the message body to be returned by the server.


“application/json” or “application/xml”

Default: “application/json”

Used by sender (either client or server) to indicate the mime type of the message body.


Time stamp in the format: “Tue, 15 Apr 2014 08:12:31 GMT

There is no default value.

Filled by the server when returning a resource and when this information is available. If not available, the entry is empty. This is dependent upon the availability of the data from the source system.


Absolute URI to the resource at this server. For example: “https://api2.compassion.com/ci/v1/children/AA1231234”

There is no default value.

Filled by the server when a new resource is created. Contains the Compassion External Façade URL at which to access this resource in the future (Mashery URL).


OAuth OpenIDConnect

Compassion Architecture has adopted OAuth OpenIDConnect as the standard for all REST calls beginning in 2015. This requires that each service endpoint and each client "service account" be configured in the GMC OAuth implementation. When both client service account and service endpoint have been defined, a caller may authenticate and receive a token for calling the specific endpoint. The service endpoint will validate that the token was issued for the proper endpoint, that the token was issued by the expected issuer, and that the token is not expired.

Outstanding Questions
(Architect and Tech Lead discussion with answers below)

  1. What is the most effective way to support resource versioning?
    Resource versioning occurs when the content or structure of the resource is changed.
  2. Answer: Changing the public locations of resources will present customers with difficulties. Therefore, resource versioning should not require a new URI. Resource versioning would be internal to the response message – for example, in the “attributes” node.

    Changing the version in the uri from /v1/ to /v2/ would accompany a whole new version of the API. This should be an infrequent occurrence, and does not necessarily mean that all resources have changed.

  3. Do we want to support retrieval of any additional information such as API documentation through the OPTIONS command?

    Answer: This item will be addressed in a future release if needed.

  4. Do we want to support conditional requests using Last-Modified and ETag response headers? From RESTful Webservice Cookbook:
    • If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match for validating cached representations.
    • If-Unmodified-Since and If-Match as preconditions for concurrency control.
  5. “Servers use Last-Modified and ETag response headers to drive conditional requests.
    Clients use the following request headers to make requests conditional:

    The efficacy of processing conditional requests depends on how quickly the server can validate the Last-Modified and ETag headers. ”

    Answer: The topics of caching and concurrency control will be addressed in a future release if needed.

  6. Singular or Plural for base URIs?
    1. For example:
             i.     /ci/v1/children/BD5100171  or  /ci/v1/children/BD5100171?
             ii.     /ci/v1/countries/BD  or  /ci/v1/countries/BD?
             iii.     /ci/v1/communities/451  or  /ci/v1/communities/451?
             iv.     /ci/v1/localchurchparter/510  or  /ci/v1/localchurchpartners/510?

    Answer: We will use the convention of plural base URIs. Accordingly, all examples in this document should demonstrate this convention.

  7. Where best to “clean up” the data – if at all?
    1. In relation to “magic strings” comment.
      Example #1: ProgramStatus=”A” – should this be changed to “Active” in the MIL? Example #2: HIVCategory = “AFFCTD” or “NOTAFF” – should these be changed to be user understandable so that the client doesn’t have to do this?
    2. In relation to date/time: StartDate: "2012-09-20T15:48:55.71-06:00" – should this be changed to just return a Date and no time even though the source has time?
    3. Data interpretation - ProgramImplementor has ElementaryCompletionStatus = “1”
  8. Answer: This kind of cleanup should be pushed as close to the source system as possible. For example, if this cannot be done in the source database, then we will prefer doing the cleanup in the MIL. If it cannot be done in the downstream system then it will be done in the ESB.

  9. Element naming – if the schema is based upon a canonical logical model (i.e. a Child resource has a ChildKey attribute) should we remove the resource type “Child” from all attributes “ChildKey” when we create the physical implementation? The goal of the comment was to avoid Child.ChildKey.
  10. Answer: Element naming will be driven by the canonical model. However, we will seek to make it as intuitive as possible for consumers. Therefore, we will remove the entity name where it makes the contract more intuitive and understandable for consumers.

  11. Schema element casing - Should our REST services whether returning XML or JSON adopt a revised casing model with an associated change to the XSDs? For example, if the entity is Child and the entity has an attribute ChildPersonalName, should we return lower case “child” and camel case “childPersonalName” in both XML and JSON responses?
  12. Answer: we will keep pascal casing for XML and camel case for JSON.

  13. Schema element typing - Should our REST services whether returning XML or JSON adopt a revised data type model with an associated change to the XSDs? For example, if the entity is ProgramImplementor and the entity has an attribute MonthlyVolunteerHours, should we limit the XSD to an Integer type regardless of what is in the source system? (We could decide to only do this where the source type is an integer…) [see “f” above]
  14. ID inclusion – Should our REST services return the ID from the URI in the data? For example, if we retrieve a Child resource with /ci/v1/children/BD5100171/information, should the response payload include “ChildKey”: “BD5100171”?
  15. Answer: We will continue to return Identifiers in the response.

  16. How intuitive is the interface represented by the following URIs? Governance will be crucial to ongoing success with this.
    1. Child API
      1. https://api2.compassion.com/iptest/ci/v1/children/BD5100171/information
      2. https://api2.compassion.com/iptest/ci/v1/children/BD5100171/casestudy
      3. https://api2.compassion.com/iptest/ci/v1/children/BD5100171/exitdetails
      4. https://api2.compassion.com/iptest/ci/v1/children/BD5100171/image

    2. Field Partner Churches API
      Comments have indicated that the similarities between some of these are confusing.
      1. https://api2.compassion.com/iptest/ci/v1/cdspimplementors/BD510
      2. https://api2.compassion.com/iptest/ci/v1/cdspimplementors/BD510/agegroups
      3. https://api2.compassion.com/iptest/ci/v1/cspimplementors/BD510
      4. https://api2.compassion.com/iptest/ci/v1/programimplementors/BD510
      5. https://api2.compassion.com/iptest/ci/v1/localchurchpartners/8227
      6. https://api2.compassion.com/iptest/ci/v1/field/churches/8227/cdsp/BD510

    3. Country API
      1. https://api2.compassion.com/iptest/ci/v1/countries/50
      2. https://api2.compassion.com/iptest/ci/v1/countries/iso/BD
      3. https://api2.compassion.com/iptest/ci/v1/countries/legacy/BD

    4. Community API
      1. https://api2.compassion.com/iptest/ci/v1/communities/8015

Items for future follow-up

  1. Providing API documentation through the OPTIONS command.
  2. Data cleansing should be done in the MIL layer if possible.
  3. With regard to date and time, more requirement and specification work should be done to ensure that Compassion can truly support a global enterprise with international dates and times.
  4. Support for caching should be considered as part of the standard.
  5. Support for concurrency should be considered, especially prior to the development of write-oriented services. At the time of this writing, the services being developed are read-only.
  6. A governance process should provide oversight on the development of intuitive URIs and resources. Customer input would be extremely valuable in this.
  7. The treatment of non-XML and JSON media types (such as images) should be considered.
  8. Security standards to be used with REST should be considered.


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