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Update Constituent Message

The "UpdateConstituent" message is sent from the Global Partner (IP) to the Global Ministry Center (GMC).

The "UpdateConstituent" message is to modify an existing Constituent in the GMC Source System database.

Once the sent "UpdateConstituent" message has been processed by the GMC, a corresponding "ConstituentUpdated" message will eventually be returned to the GP from the GMC. This is an asynchronous process.

Sample Message
Error Messages

Sample Message

This is an example only.

    <EsbEnvelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

        <MessageType schemaLocation=

               SchemaVersion ="1.0"


Name Description
EsbEnvelope Headers
SendersName Supplied by Cornerstone Connect during GP setup
SendersAppName Supplied by Cornerstone Connect during GP setup
SendersTrackingId Supplied by Cornerstone Connect during GP setup
ToAddress Supplied by Cornerstone Connect during GP setup
FromAddress Supplied by Cornerstone Connect during GP setup
MessageType http://schemas.ci.org/ci/messaging/compass/2013/02/UpdateConstituent
RequestId Unique number created by GP in order to track specific messages. A message returned from Compass will have the RequestId populated in the RequestCorrelationId.
IP country code sending the message
ConstituentId Constituent id
Name Full name of the constituent (required)
FirstName First name of the constituent (optional)
LastName Last name of the constituenet (required)
TransactionDate Date the GP solidified the transaction. This can be the same day or earlier than the SentDate.
SentDate Automatically populated when the message is sent

Possible Error Messages Returned from the Compass Party Host

Error Message Text Error Message Description
PartnerCountryCode is required  
ConstituentId is required
Name is required
LastName is required
TransactionDate is required
Unable to obtain db_id from DB table for code = {value} The PartnerCountryCode provided does not exist in the DB
LastModifiedUser ({value}) does not exist The user does not exist in the DB
LastModifiedUser ({value}) is not active The user is not active in the DB
ConstituentId ({value}) does not exist The ConstituentId provided does not exist in the DB
ConstituentId (@con_id): {value} is not active The ConstituentId provided is not ‘A’ or active
FirstName (@first_name): {value} exceeds 60 characters
LastName (@last_name): {value} exceeds 60 characters
Name (@name): {value} exceeds 60 characters


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