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REST Get Program Implementor V1

The service provides information on specific CDSP and CSP organizations which partner with Compassion International's to implement and administrate one or more ministry intervention programs designed to fulfill Compassion International's mission of holistic child development and promote child advocacy.

The service returns JSON as default. The service will also return XML. This is controlled by the Accept parameter in the MessName Header (i.e., for XML, it should be "Accept: application/xml" and for JSON, it should be "Accept: application/json").

CDSP is Compassion International's Child Development Sponsorship Program which connects one child with one sponsor to help that child develop into the extraordinary individual which God ordained.

CSP is Compassion International's Child Survival Program which equips the worldwide Church to respond to the cry of mothers on behalf of their babies by ensuring a healthy environment and a strong start in life for the poorest and most vulnerable. Using proven child survival strategies, caregivers and their families are equipped to nurture and disciple their children.

The programs provide the following through sponsorship:

  • Educational opportunities
  • Healthcare, supplemental nutrition, and health education
  • Life-skills training
  • A safe and loving environment in which to learn and play
  • The opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and be discipled


Sample Requests
Request Parameters
Response Parameters
XML Sample Successful Response
JSON Sample Successful Response
Sample Unsuccessful Response
Error Response Codes

Sample Request

This is an example only.

IPTest: https://api2.compassion.com/iptest/ci/v1/programimplementors/{ProjectKey}?ClientReferenceId=[string]&api_key=[string]

Production: https://api2.compassion.com/ci/v1/programimplementors/{ProjectKey}?ClientReferenceId=[string]&api_key=[string]

Request Parameters

Name Description Required Data Type Constraints
ProjectKey Key identifying a CDSP or CSP project Yes String Fixed 5
ClientReferenceId Uniquely represents the transaction in the client's system. Optional String Max 100
api_key Your Mashery supplied key for an application running Compassion International services. Yes String  

Response Parameters

Name Description Date Type Returned
ProgramImplementorTypeCode Code indicating whether a Program Implementor is a CDSP Implementor or a CSP Implementor string
ImplementorKey Idenfities an implementor string
ImplementorKeyLegacy Key identifying a CDSP or CSP Implementor string
Name Implementor name string
StartDate Date partnership with the Implementor began string
LastReviewDate Date the last annual implementor information update was received string
Status One character status field indicating if the project is (A)ctive, on (P)hase-out, or (T)erminated. There is not a suspended status. One of the letters are returned in the response. string
ExternalStatus Status made available to external client string
StatusDate Status made available to external client string
Description Description of the implementing project string
LocalChurchPartnerId Key identifying the local church partner which is implementing the CSP or CDSP program string
OrganizationName Name of the local church partner string
ChurchServiceLanguNames LanguName(s) used during a church service in the local church partner string
GPSCoordinateLatitudeHighPrecision High precision GPS latitude of the location of the local church partner string
GPSCoordinateLatitudeLowPrecision Low precision GPS latitude of the location of the local church partner string
GPSCoordinateLongitudeHighPrecision High precision GPS longitude of the location of the local church partner string
GPSCoordinateLongitudeLowPrecision Low precision GPS longitude of the location of the local church partner string
HIVCategory Code indicating if the local church partner is in an HIV/Aids infected area. Values can be "AFFTCD" or "NOTAFF". string
MonthSchoolYearBegins Month school begins each year string
CountryDenomination Denomination of the country where the local church partner is located and with which the local church partner is affiliated boolean
WesternDenomination Denomination in the US or Global Partner(s) that is affiliated with the local church partner string
CommunityName Name of the community in which the local church partner resides boolean
ISOCountryName Name for a country as recorded by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in the ISO 3166-1 standard string
ISOCountryCode Two-character code assigned to a country by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as defined in the ISO 3166-1 standard string
CountryCommonName Common name of a country used by Compassion International string
CommunityId Identifies community string
StatusComment   string
DescriptionModificationDate   string
DisburseGifts Flag indicating if gifts may be disbursed for children in this program boolean
DisburseFunds Flag indicating if funds, not including gifts, can be disbursed to the CSP or CDSP Implementor boolean
SpiritualActivities Project activities targeted to CSP Child or CSP Caregiver spiritual development string
ActivitiesForNonSchoolChildren Activities for non-school children string
CognitiveOrVocationalActivities Project activities targeted to CSP Child or CSP Caregiver cognitive and/or vocational development string
OtherActivities Project activities not targeted to a particular development activity string
ParentOrFamilyActivities Project activities targeted to parent and family development string
PhysicalOrHealthActivities Project activities targeted to child's physical development string
SocialOrEmotionalActivities Project activities targeted to the child's social / emothional development string
ActivityHoursPerWeek   string
PercentNotInSchool   string
PercentNotInSchoolReason Reason more than 25% of the registered beneficiaries are not in school string
PercentCompletingElementarySchool PercentName of registered beneficiaries who have completed elementary school string
PercentCompletingSecondarySchool PercentName of registered beneficiaries who have completed secondary school string
ElementaryCompletionStatus   string
SecondaryCompletionStatus   string
ChurchHasElectricity Flag indicating if the Local Church Partner has electricity in the building boolean
ChurchHasPhone Flag indicating if the Local Church Partner has a phone boolean
ChurchOwnsBuildling Flag indicating if the Local Church Partner owns the building they are utilizing boolean
PaidStaffCount Number of employess paid by the Local Church Partner string
MonthlyVolunteerHours Number of hours volunteers work in a month string
LinkedProjectKey   string
LinkedProjectName   string
LastModifiedDate Date the record was created or modified string

XML Sample Successful Response

<ProgramImplementor xmlns="http://schemas.ci.org/ci/common/eim/2014/10/" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

JSON Sample Successful Response


Sample Unsuccessful Responses

XML Unsuccessful Response
  <MessName>ImplementorKeyLegacy' must be 5 alphanumeric characters matching one of the following forms 'AANNN', 'AAANN' or 'AAAAN.'</MessName>

JSON Unsuccessful Response
  "error": {
   "messName":""ImplementorKeyLegacy' must be 5 alphanumeric characters matching one of the following forms 'AANNN', 'AAANN' or 'AAAAN.'""

Error Response Codes

The table below indicates the HTTP error response and HTTP Error messName.



HTTP Error Response HTTP Error MessName
HTTP 400 Service Parameter Failure
HTTP 401 Not Authenticated / Authorized for Service Data
HTTP 403 Not Authorized
HTTP 403 Account Inactive
HTTP 403 Over Queries Per Second Limit
HTTP 403 Over Rate Limit
HTTP 403 Unknown Referrer
HTTP 404 Requested Resource Not Found
HTTP 408 Request Timeout
HTTP 414 Request URI Too Long
HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
HTTP 502 Bad Gateway
HTTP 503 API Maintenance / Service Unavailable
HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout


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