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Private IPG Child Summary List

The Child Summary List API is a RESTful API.

The service provides basic information on all children that are actively enrolled in a project in the Child Development Sponsorship Program (CDSP).

CDSP connects one child with one sponsor to help that child develop into the extraordinary individual which God ordained.

Sample Request

This is an example only.


Request Parameters

Name Description Required Data Type Constraints
ProjectKey Code assigned by Compassion International to a project. The project in this service is a project implementing the Child Development Sponsorship Program (CDSP). Yes String
ClientReferenceId Uniquely represents the transaction in the client's system. Optional String Max 100
api_key Your Mashery supplied key for an application running Compassion International services. Yes String  

Response Parameters

Name Description
ProjectKey Key identifier of project implementer
ChildSummaryCollection Number of rows returned for the requested Project key
ChildID System generated code.
ChildKey Code assigned by Compassion International when the child is registered in the Child Development Sponsorship Program.
ProjectKey Code assigned by Compassion International to a project.
ChildName Name of the child.
ChildAbbreviatedName Child name abbreviated to 30 characters.
ChildPersonalName First name or nickname that is used to address the child.
Gender Child's gender.
BirthDate Child's birth date.
Age Child's age
BirthDateKnownFlag Flag indicating if child actual birth date is known.
ProjectKey Key identifier of project implementer
PlannedCompletionDate Date the child is expected to complete the Ministry Program.

Sample Successful Response

Sample Successful Response

Sample Unsuccessful Response

The service operation will provide the following response when there are missing required parameters.
Exception Returned: (ResponseCode = "1", HTTP Status Code ="404")

Sample Error Response

Error Response Codes

For ResponseCode = 1, the table below indicates the HTTP error response and HTTP Error message.

HTTP Error ResponseHTTP Error Message
HTTP 400 Service Parameter Failure
HTTP 401 Not Authenticated / Authorized for Service Data
HTTP 403 Not Authorized
HTTP 403 Account Inactive
HTTP 403 Over Queries Per Second Limit
HTTP 403 Over Rate Limit
HTTP 403 Unknown Referrer
HTTP 404 Requested Resource Not Found
HTTP 408 Request Timeout
HTTP 414 Request URI Too Long
HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
HTTP 502 Bad Gateway
HTTP 503 API Maintenance / Service Unavailable
HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout


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