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Private Constituent Lookup

The Constituent Lookup API is a RESTful API.

This service provides external Compassion clients the ability to retrieve constituent information based on the constituent's email address.

The service returns JSON as default. The service will also return XML. This is controlled by the Accept parameter in the Message Header (i.e., for XML, it should be "Accept: application/xml" and for JSON, it should be "Accept: application/json").

Sample Request
Request Parameters
Response Parameters
Sample Successful Response
Sample Unsuccessful Response
Error Response Codes

Sample Request

This is an example only.

PROD:  https://api2.compassion.com/us/v1/constituents/lookup?emailAddress=[string]&ClientReferenceId=[string]&api_key=[string]


IPTEST: https://api2.compassion.com/iptest/us/v1/constituents/lookup?emailAddress=[string]&ClientReferenceId=[string]&api_key=[string]

Request Parameters

NameDescriptionRequiredData TypeConstraints
emailAddress emailAddress (email address) is assigned by Compassion International to an individual or group. Yes String Max 60
ClientReferenceId Uniquely represents the transaction in the client's system. Optional String Max 100
api_key Your Mashery supplied key for an application running Compassion International services. Yes String  

Response Parameters

Name Description

ConstituentId (Constituent Id) is assigned by Compassion International to an individual or group.


Constituent’s preferred email address on file at Compassion International.


Full name of the constituent.


Salutation used by the CDSP child or LDP student to communicate with the constituent.


Two-character code assigned to a country by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as defined in the ISO 3166-1 standard.

Sample Successful Response (an example run in 2021)

<Constituent xmlns="http://schemas.ci.org/ci/common/eim/2011/04/"
  <ConstituentName>Johnny B. Goode</ConstituentName

Sample Unsuccessful Response

The service operation will provide the following response when there is no constituent for the email adress supplied.
Exception Returned: (HTTP Status Code ="404")

<Error xmlns="xmlns="http://schemas.ci.org/ci/services/common/2011/04/">
 <ExceptionMessage>The data does not exist.</ExceptionMessage> 

Error Response Codes

For ResponseCode = 1, the table below indicates the HTTP error response and HTTP Error message.

HTTP Error ResponseHTTP Error Message
HTTP 400 Service Parameter Failure
HTTP 401 Not Authenticated / Authorized for Service Data
HTTP 403 Not Authorized
HTTP 403 Account Inactive
HTTP 403 Over Queries Per Second Limit
HTTP 403 Over Rate Limit
HTTP 403 Unknown Referrer
HTTP 404 Requested Resource Not Found
HTTP 408 Request Timeout
HTTP 414 Request URI Too Long
HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
HTTP 502 Bad Gateway
HTTP 503 API Maintenance / Service Unavailable
HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout


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